
Class Levels & Descriptions

Gentle Beginners
Class Meets at Saturday 11AM - 12:30PM

A class designed for students who have injuries/pain or age that limits movement. Students are taken though gentle movement to help the student begin to move their bodies more freely. Great class for students who also need to make-up a class or are recovering from surgery.

Class Meets at Wednesday 5:45PM - 7:15PM

A class for students new to yoga.  This class is specially designed for brand new students looking to explore the fundamentals of a yoga practice. This class emphasizes building strength and flexibility in the back, shoulders, arms, and legs. Students focus on the physical and mental benefits of the standing poses, along with the outer form of the poses. The benefits of deep breathing and relaxation are also addressed.

Beginners Step Up
Class Meets at Monday 5:45 - 7:15PM

A class for students who are not quite ready for Level 1A and yet have who want to build more strength and flexibility before moving up to Level 1A. There are 2 sun salutations introduced at this level. As in Level 1A basic principles of alignment are presented. This class is suitable for students who have practiced other yoga styles, however, not beginning yoga students.

Level 1A
Class Meets at Tuesday 9AM - 11AM

A continuation class for the experienced beginner. The focus of this class is on refining and building endurance in standing poses. Poses will be practiced through flow sequencing include basic standing poses, hip openers, simple back and forward bending. Basic principles of alignment are presented. This class is suitable for students who have practiced other yoga styles, however, not beginning yoga students. Must have permission to attend this class.

Stretch & Restore
Class Meets at Saturday 9AM - 10:30AM

An invitation to relax and restore balance to our minds, body and spirit. Most individuals are affected by stress, even though the majority of people are unaware of the profound effects on one’s daily life experience. This class focuses on restorative poses and basic stretching postures, along with attention on breathing and quieting the mind.  Open to students who have completed at least 3 sessions of beginning yoga.